BCN Trust related questions and frequently asked questions

There were five (5) community trusts that were created from the Bigstone Cree Nation Settlement Agreement.  The purpose of these Trusts is to administer, manage and invest the Trust Property of, and for the benefit of the Beneficiaries and to advance their interest.

  1. Bigstone Cree Nation Trust
  2. Off Reserve Members and Affiliates Trust
  3. Wabasca Community Trust
  4. Calling Lake Community Trust
  5. Chipewyan Lake Community Trust

Any Bigstone Cree Nation Member can submit a proposal.

We want the funded projects to benefit our members and communities. We do not want to dictate what that means as we are open to new and innovative ways to approach this. The following are some guidelines and principles of success that we follow:
  • Projects with short or long term strategic planning
  • Projects that demonstrate careful selection of those who will work in and support the project.
  • Projects that are community oriented and goal focused
  • Clear, modest and manageable objectives (small scale rather than mega projects).
  • Consideration will be given to jointly funded opportunities.
  • Research Projects that benefit the individual and that do not benefit the larger population  of the community
  • Individual for-profit projects, i.e., subsidizing your business
  • Project and Services that are already funded by another program.
  • Start-up funds for new business

Your BCN trust account will provide you the access to online referendum ballots.

At this time voting is done either in person or by mail-in ballot.

All Bigstone Cree Nation Member and Affiliates that are eighteen (18) years of age or older.


The beneficiaries of the Bigstone Cree Nation Trust include all members and affiliates of the First Nation, whether they reside on-reserve or off-reserve. The beneficiaries of the Community and Off Reserve Trusts are the members and affiliates of each community.

1.1.8 “Beneficiaries” means collectively, the present and future Members and Affiliates of BCN, who, at the time any action is taken under and for the duration of this Trust Agreement.

1.1.1 “Affiliate” means a person who is not a member and whose name does not appear on the Band List but whose name appears on the Department’s Indian Register and who has been assigned a Band registration number beginning with the digits “458” indicating an affiliation to BCN through ancestry or other ties in accordance with the Department’s policies.